Saturday, May 23, 2009

Saturday Night Fun: Bumper Stickers

Randy Seaver at Genea-Musings has another great edition of Saturday Night Fun going! Finally I have time to actually participate! Here are the rules:

1) Make up a/some Bumper Sticker(s) that describes your genealogy addicti.., er, passion in 12 words or less. You could recite some of your favorite tag lines like those found here or here. Or you could be very creative and make up your own!

2) Post them to your blog or to comments on this post.

3) Extra credit if you make them look like a real bumper sticker!

I had some fun with this one! If my house wasn't such a disaster area I'd make more, but here are the ones I came up with:
I hope I made footnoteMaven proud with that one! Finally, the motto on my genealogy blogs fits this bill quite nicely:


footnoteMaven said...

You have made me so proud!

The perfect fM bumper sticker.


Professor Dru said...

I see you had fun with the bumper sticker creation. I love all of them.

Untangled Family Roots said...

Those are all cute.